Apr 102018

Tips for Relieving Chest Tightness

For people who suffer from a lung disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), one of the common symptoms is often chest tightness. This symptom is often associated with a pain in the chest which doesn’t go away and causes difficulties in breathing and a general feeling of breath shortness. It is renowned for causing symptoms which are close in nature to anxiety or panic attacks and can be a cause of much distress. It is easy to see why living with lung disease, as well as knock-on conditions, are not a pleasant thing to endure in life.

Certainly, treatments are available to address the symptoms of the disease, as well as the possibility of slowing down the progression, hence contributing to life quality, however, sometimes knowing a few great tips to manage your symptoms can make a real difference in day to day life.

With your health in mind, the Lung Institute  has provided 5 Tips To Reduce Your Chest Tightness from COPD.


What Do We Mean By Chest Tightness?

As outlined earlier, this is commonly a euphemism for chest pain. When experienced at the most intense level it can mimic an anxiety attack or even a heart attack. It is often accompanied by hyperventilation (quick breathing) which happens when you attempt to breathe in more air due to your anxiety. Whilst the pain can arise from various heart or lung ailments, we will focus on chest tightness which is often a symptom of a lung condition.

Chest tightness can happen on a regular basis (often) or without letup (continuously) and can have the feeling of a sharp inching in the chest which later results in long-lasting pain, numbness or pressure. Whilst it may feel like the pain is originating in the heart, 85% of individuals diagnosed when attending the emergency room are not diagnosed with a heart condition. In fact, there are cases when the chest pain comes from bloat in the body due to a build-up of gas. Whatever the case, when these conditions start to feel uncomfortable and without letup, it is time to contact your doctor to see what is causing the symptoms.


What To Check For When Experiencing Chest Tightness

If you have been in a sitting position for a some time, blood clots  can be formed and then spread to the arteries in your body and cause a blockage. This can make a lung condition worse and also create more difficulties in breathing. If this happens, you need to go to the emergency room at once.

If you have the feeling that your lungs are heavy and you are having trouble breathing you may have pneumonia. If this is the case you need to check for a fluid build-up immediately as this can be very dangerous in people with COPD. Call your doctor at once.

In rare situations, a collapsed lung (pneumothorax) can occur which leaves leaks in the space which is between your chest wall and your lungs and causes a blue color in the extremities, as well as extreme breath shortness. You need to call 911 at once.


Tips For Reducing Chest Tightness
How To Reduce Chest Tightness From COPD

So how can you get yourself feeling better when you have chest tightness? These quick tips should help.

1. Try To Slow Your Breathing Down

Hyperventilation can make the chest feel tight and lead to anxiety, so try to slow your breathing down. You want to encourage a sense of control as you breathe so focus on breathing slowly. This will help your mind and body to relax as well. Use pursed-lip breathing or other techniques which help.

2. Make Your Breaths Deep Ones

In meditation, breathing in slowly and breathing out slowly is a commonly taught method. The breath size is not the vital element here, rather inhaling for as much as 8 counts and then exhaling for the same.

Something to note – Breathing should always come from your diaphragm, this means your stomach should be doing the rising and falling not your chest.

3. Analyze Your Posture

When you want to reduce chest tightness, you need to focus on your posture. When you are breathing, try to have a straight back and have your hands on your knees or thighs. In addition, keep your eyes closed and touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue. Then inhale through the nose and out through the mouth.

4. Take A Look At Your Diet

As previously noted, even something as simple as bloating can cause chest tightness. Try to steer clear of processed, fatty and fried foods as these can cause gas build-up which in turn can put pressure on chest pains.

5. Consider Medication

When nothing else seems to be working it is a wise course to seek professional help. Make an appointment with your doctor if you have regular bouts of chest tightness. The doctor will be able to identify the cause of the tightness and provide medical solutions to help relieve the pain or stop the symptoms from starting.